Sunday, January 08, 2006
The Art of Relaxation

Dec 17th: Sleep? What means sleep? Andrea and I are off to the bus station at 3:30am. One bus, a shuttle, a pick up truck and nearly 12 hours later, we arrive at Las Marias in Semuc Champey.
Dec 18th: Enter the caves. Need to see? Light a candle. Need to swim in the cave and still want to see? Swim holding the candle (ideally above the water). Need to climb a rope up a waterfall and STILL want to see? Close your eyes and pray.
Spend the afternoon lounging in a series of aqua marine pools. Enjoy the free skin exfoliation from the fish.
Dec 20th: Finca El Paraíso - Lonely Planet said it was a SHORT walk, but really they meant a 30min hike to the finca. Spend the afternoon enjoying swimming in the lagoon of a natrual HOT waterfall.
Dec 21st: After hitching a private ride into Río Dulce in the back of truck, be thrilled that you were convinced to stay at a lovely hostel called Tortugal. Chill in the restaurant and hang out with the yachties also staying there.

Dec 24th: Walk all around Tela looking for a restaurant that's open. Mamma Mia's - didn't they tell us earlier they would be open? Los Angeles - it's a Chinese restaurant... they're actually closed on the 24th? Café Azul - be seated and decide what you'd like to eat, only to be told that they're closing when you're ordering. AutoPollo - can't believe we considered eating there, but we couldn't because they weren't serving anyway. Sherwood's - *finally*, a pleasant hotel restaurant on the beach.

Dec 26th: Arrive in La Ceiba. It's raining. WHY are we here in the carribean again???

Dec 30th: "Sometimes you just wanna go where everybody knows your name..."
Andrea and I divorced at 4am - She's off to Nicaruaga and I arrive on Utíla (Bay Islands), Honduras, apparently famous.
Dec 31st: Eat, drink and be merry. Watch sunrise with the presence of good company.
Jan 1st: Spend all day lounging in the sun on the dock with a good book, or jump into the ocean to cool off.

Jan 4th: Become a certified open water diver! Then Get up close and personal with the fishies =)
Jan 6th: It's going to take me HOW long to get back to Quetzaltenango???