
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Typical day:

6:15am If I am up for a run… this is the time to go! Otherwise…
6:45am Alarm clock goes off
6:55am Actually get out of bed
7:00am In the shower and hoping that I got up early enough that there will be sufficient water pressure to create enough flow through the electric shower head. (Not enough water = cold shower... that is if there IS any water)
7:30am Read, listen to music, or dilly dally until breakfast
7:45am Breakfast is on the table. Typically a small bowl of warm mosh (kind of like oatmeal), 2 pieces of bread, some fruit and water.
7:55am Out the door for work
8:05am At work. Make the morning round of greetings – “Buenas dias” + kiss on the cheek (still trying to get use to this!)
8:07am Turn the computer on, wrestle with the stiff keys of the keyboard, try to use the scroll button that doesn’t exist on my mouse and have a field day with WindowsME. Internet only exists for very particular and special persons in the office – I am not one of them.
9:30am Thought: I’ve been working for nearly 1.5 hours and most people in Vancouver aren’t even at work yet!
10:45am Stomach is growling. Make a trip to the nearby XelaPan for some sweet bread or the nearby corner store for a chocolate covered frozen banana.
1:20pm Walk home for lunch
1:55pm Sit down at the table for lunch with mum, the kids, and student from the language school. Mum and Joli are excellent cooks – Best meal of the day!
2:20pm Back at work
5:30pm Finish work. Head to the nearby internet café for a little bit.
6:15pm Walk home or wander around a little bit and see if I can’t encounter something new
7:00pm Home. Watch some TV with the kids or read either as much of the local paper as I can (with my best-friend the Spanish-English dictionary of course) or work my way through a Spanish children’s novel.
8:00pm Dinner – usually one fried egg, beans and tortilla. (Don’t work up too much of an appetite during the day because dinner is small!)
8:45pm Either go out or stay home to watch TV or read or play with the kids
10:30pm In bed and ready for zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (if I’m not out that is)

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