Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Les choses me manquent:
- cool Vancouver air - not this humid crap
- being able to sleep through the night
- not waking up sticky because it's so hot
- not sweating immediately after taking a shower
- family and friends and their company
- Asian food
- edible food in general
- stuffing my face with summer fruits
- not feeling like I am in highschool
- not feeling like a loser because I don't want to go out drinking... on the 5th consecutive night that is
- having conversations that don't involve making fun of other people
- not feeling like I'm part of a fashion show each day
- knowing what's really going on in the world
- my WIRED magazines
- my mp3s
- my piano and my guitar
- the mountains
- hiking
- driving
- my fit ball
- my toenails
- my pillow
- speaking English without worrying about getting a carte-rouge
- understanding everything that's going on around me
blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah =P