
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Hostal Naira (La Paz)

...or rather "Hotel" Naira.

We had been roughing it for awhile so it was a true treat to stay at a nice place for a change. It really makes you realize how much you take for granted at home and really helps you appreciate the littel things - like toilet paper and a toilet seat! They even came in and made our beds midday. Ahhhh... it was great.

The toilet seat was even padded.

Just a few blocks up the street from the hostel is the infamous "Witches Market". Lots of odd charms and things you can buy to offer to good ol' Pachamama (i.e. Mother Earth). Every store had it's own collection of dried llama fetuses. What were they for? Good luck for the house they assured us. And what about the dried armadillo and the dried cats? - Same thing. For how much? - Oh about $2.

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