
Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The Happy Bus on the Inca Trail...

What you Need:
1 pair of good hiking boots
1 walking stick
1 tour guide and assistant guide (Freddy and Omar)
16 porters
11 gourmet meals
1 bottle of sunscreen
4 Brits, 2 Aussies, 2 Germans, 2 Canadians and 1 American
4 days of fabulous weather
1 Inca Trail
a generous helping of YeeHaw

Day 1:
Wake up at 5:15am, get ready, and meet with your group in front of the SAS office at 6am. Pile into a bus and enjoy your first real dose of Freddy-ism. Stop a half hour later to enjoy breakfast over-looking Ollantaytambo. Stare wide-eyed at the 3 year old boy short-changing himself by trying to sell you walking sticks for 1 soles each. Buy walking sticks for their actual price, 3-5 soles.

Get back on the bus, stop at the town below to buy a rain poncho you will not use, coca leaves to chew and a water bottle sling, and continue on your way to the final stop, Km 82.

Slather on sunscreen and bug repellent before beginning your trek on the Inca Trail and receieve the first stamp in your passport Freddy was raving about. Start walking at a steady pace alon ght etrail and get to know the people you will be spening the next 4 days with. Feel good about doing the 4-day hike ahead of you and allow your jaw to drop when you see the porters running past you carrying 20-30+ kg of cargo on their back wearing mere sandals on their feet.

Get caught up in the energy and enthusiasm Freddy has for being an Inca Trail tour guide.

Enjoy the excellent company of your companions during your fabulous meals of lunch and dinner. Attempt to understand the idea of having "tea time", complete with two giant piles of popcorn and plates of snacks, immediately prior to dinner. Listen to the passion with which Freddy speaks of the Incas and Peru, and his views on the corrupt government and the impact of tourism on the local economy - he obviously cares much for his country and cultural background.

Be convinced the next day will be brutal (that way it´s not so bad when you actually begin your trek).

Day 2:
"Vamos a la playa!" - Begin to understand decipher what Freddy is actually saying. Laugh at his bad jokes and sarcastic humour. Realize that Freddy time is very ... flexible.

On the trail take it slow and steady, especially right after Elevensies. The stairs up to the top of Dead Woman´s Pass is a steep one. Chew a wad of coca leaves and take frequent breaks ...to, uh, admire the view of the valley of course. Once at the top, cheer, clap and jump for joy because you´ve made it! Allow ample time to savour the breath taking view.

Arrive at camp by 2pm, eat lunch and siesta. This nap will prove to be important as you might find it difficult to sleep later on. Braving the cold showers is optional.

Enjoy a lovely dinner served by the "so amazing people" (i.e. the porters) and end the meal with a warm cup of well-deserved mulled wine. Play a get-to-know-you game such as Two Truths and a Lie. Follow this with drinking games like "The Happy Bus on the Inca Trail..." and "YeeHaw!". Do not forget to keep the neighbours awake - they will thank you in the morning.

Before you head to bed, take a moment to admire the clear sky and the multitude of stars. Soak in the sight of the MilkyWay and make a wish on a shooting star. Once in your tent, wrap yourself in as many warm layers as possible because you will be in for a cold night. Sleep may only be an option for the lucky.

Day 3:
Eat a good breakfast - today will be a long day. You will find that you warm up quickly once you set off on your trek and forget how miserably cold you were the night before.

On your trek, stop at Inca ruins you see along the way. You will get a thorough explanation of Inca history and the different purposes of each building from Freddy. You may find yourself amazed by the accomplishments of the Incas. Try to sit in the shade and do not forget to re-apply sunscreen or you may regret it later.

At the last Inca ruin stop, you will be offered a choice of going straight to the campsite, or taking an extra long route that will allow you to see Machu Picchu from a far away perspective. Choose option 2. Once you have chosen option 2, be prepared for a fast paced hike along the narrow, original Inca trail. Walk fast - Freddy may not wait for you. Once you finally reach the top of the mountain, you will get your first glimpse of the acclaimed Machu Picchu... and will finally be able to catch your breath. Take lots of pictures and overload Freddy with as many cameras as possible. When you notice that there is only a limited amount of sunlight remaining, book it to the camp site. Follow your trusty guide and practically run down the mountain along a dried stream bed. Avoid the prickly cacti. Be careful not to twist your ankle by making good use of your walking stick as you plunge through the jungle at break neck speeds. Freddy may decide that you still aren´t going fast enough and will suggest a short cut that leads vertically down the mountain. Your childhood dreams of being Indiana Jones will be fulfilled here.

You will be relieved once you reach the campsite and be excited about the available hot showers. However, no matter how bad you smell, it is OK if you decide to forego the shower because the line-up is miles long. Dinner is served inside the lodge. You may be tempted to laugh at the bad music videos playing overhead. Beers and cheers all around for a good day and sore muscles.

Say farewell and thank your porters for all their hard work and the phenomenal job they´ve done.

Drink to YeeHaw!.

Day 4:
Awake at the un-godly hour of 4:00am so that you are packed up and ready to leave. Be super enthusiastic as you set out on your trek to the final destination, Machu Picchu, but stop 50m later and queue to enter the final stretch.

Once through the gate, you may feel as if you are racing 400 other people to get to Machu Picchu first. You will be passing groups of tourists while other groups of tourists pass you. Stop at the Sun Gate to watch the sun rise over the mountains and strike the Incan city. Stop again at the terraces just outside Machu Picchu and revel in the site. If a marriage proposal should take place, congratulate the happy couple and let the mountain know with a loud "YeeHaw!".

Within the city of Machu Picchu, Freddy will guide you through and explain the different sites. Themes of the condor, puma and snake will appear and reappear throughout your tour. The Incas revered the sun and earth, and they followed the three fundamental rules of love, and work. Each time you sit down to listen to Freddy´s stories you may find it difficult to get up and move again. You may find that you have also developed a fear of stairs.

Be adventurous and climb the mountain overlooking the city. It will be a hard-core 45min hike up, but the view will be worth it. Do not forget bug spray.

Your muscles at this point may be beyond tired. Take the bus, rather than hike, to Agua Calientes and regroup for a final lunch and good bye. Look around the table and enjoy the company of the people you have gotten to know and care for. Together you have accomplished and shared something amazing that will be unforgetable. It will be these who make your 4 days and 3 nights an unbelieveable and wonderful experience.

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